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How To Launch A Syn Flood Attack To SriLankan Premier Media Site

😜Currently I practised various types of Dos & DDos Attacks like Syn Flood💉Http Flood🦠Tcp Flood. etc.. I tried these types  attacks to various types of websites government,media & commercial sites also. I used some paids bot machines also to perform dos attacks..

A SYN flood is a form of denial-of-service attack in which an attacker rapidly initiates a connection to a server without finalizing the connection. The server has to spend resources waiting for half-opened connections, which can consume enough resources to make the system unresponsive to legitimate traffic.

Let See How to Hack Sirasatv. lk By Using Syn-Flood Attack


1.Virtual Machine / Kali Linux / Parrot Security Os Or Any Linux Environment / Metasploit Framework

2.Victim's Host


💉First We have to find host of

💉You can find host very easily by using host command. And if You want you can use dmitry & Nmap like tools also..

💉How to find Ports of this websites

1.Use Nmap,Nikto,Dmitry like tools to gater information on Host

2.You can use to access Information

💉Here, You can see ports.. Port 80 & Port 443.And we use port 80 to attack

💉Let Start Our Attack😜

❤Open your Kali or any linux distribution terminal. And type "msfconsole"to start Metasploit Framework..

❤Then you have to use module called "auxiliary/dos/tcp/synflood
🥰Type this on your terminal
(use auxiliary/dos/tcp/synflood)

❤Now you have to set attack module by puting regarding information on it.

💉You can see options, You must set Rhost, Rport, Shost respectively

💉Put These Respectively..
1.set RHOST (Victims Host)
2.set RPORT (In this occasion don't want to change port. We are attacking on Port's already set.
3.set SHOST (Attackers Host)(Optional)
4.exploit Or run and hit enter to launch attack

😜EtherApe Gui (See How it work from this tool)

💉How to Stop Flooding..

(Press Control-C to stop attack)

💉Let See Results...

💉This is the output of the attack. While you are attacking no one can reach this site.If you perform attack on long time server will down...

🙄I think Security levels should be update... Any one can down this website by using dos attacks.. 😜Try At your Own Risk🦠

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